Friday, November 16, 2007

What would Greenspan do?

In today's volatile market I tend to ask myself what would our old friend Greenspan do? I am currently reading his book, The Age of Turbulence, and it has been making me wonder what sectors Greenspan thinks will be stronger in the near future. Financials are getting killed along with housing stocks and anything with mortgage backed securities in there portfolio. I think (and Greenspan would probably agree;) technology, semiconductors, natural resources, and health care are the best trending sectors right now and likely for the next year. Financials could recover, but it is going to take some time so I am going to stay away from them for now. A few of my favorite stocks right now are aapl, grmn, tasr, txn, chk, ato, pfe, abt.

1 comment:

Eric said...

chk, ato, pfe, abt.


I'm not suggesting.. but

Think about

Utilities, and Consumer non cyclical.
JNJ, PG, BUD, UN, k, gis, ECL.
(This list is just by market cap, avoiding anything "aspirational" or that I didn't recognise.)

maybe even Mega-caps.

Financials will get hot again once the fed can start cutting rates again.

Regional banks now

These are "R" word plays